Blue Belt Exam

May 14, 2022




9th kyu
Daniel Stephens
Christine Stephens
Grace Stephens

AWESOME job by our Stephens Ohana!  They were the first group to take an exam in our "new" MJLS dojo, and they set the bar VERY HIGH!!!  Sensei is warning future exam candidates that he and the Senpais will not accept any performance that lacks the spirit, effort, and determination that was displayed by Dan, Christine, and Gracie!  GREAT JOB, STEPHENS OHANA!!!

Photos by:  Senpai Remy and Senpai Todd
Well-prepared and Confident!
The Hard Work Pays Off!
Grace -- A Bundle of Talent!
Still Going Strong! 
Christine -- Pure Focus!!!
Concentration PLUS! 
Daniel -- Awesome Determination!!! 

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