Purple Belt Exam -- Aug 08, 2023



5th kyu
Jessica White
Clara Tran
Kyra Tran

"These girls have waited a long time for this exam.  Yet, all the while they persevered with spirit, grit, and passion.  I am extremelly proud of them for their commitment and dedication to their training!" stated Sensei. 

THE EXCELLENCE CONTINUES!!!  In June, the brown belts put on a display that impressed Sensei, the Senpais, and ALL who came to observe their exam!  In July, our green belts were equally awesome! This month our purple belts did NOT disappoint, keeping this amazing streak going!!!  Sensei has put the word out to others who plan to take a belt exam.  "Work hard, seriously, and intensely!  The bar has now been raised VERY HIGH!!"

Photos by Todd China

Prepared and Focused!







Demonstration of Power!

1-Step Kumite

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