Blue Belt Exam

May 18, 2024




8th kyu
Adam Kendall
Stella Kendall
Anson Kwan
Dylan Nguyen
Temp 8th kyu
Henry Middleman
Abel Cheng
9th kyu
Loki Tran
Roland Tran
Junio Tran

CONGRATULATIONS to our newly promoted blue belts!  Sensei reminds all members that at HSK your rank is earned, never gifted!  That amount of effort and spirit is expected to increase in leaps and bounds as you move through the ranks.  This shows your growth in body, mind, and spirit!  Take pride in what you achieve!!!

Keep up the great work, EVERYONE!!!

Ready to show their STUFF!
Senpais ready to evaluate!
Group 1 in action!
Junio Tran

Roland Tran
Loki Tran
Henry Middleman
Abel Cheng
Dylan Nguyen 
Group 3 charges ahead!
Anson Kwan

Stella Kendall
Adam Kendall

5-Step Kumite 

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