HSK BLOOD DRIVE - February 17, 2020

"Things are looking up!!" exclaimed Sensei. "We ended the day donating only 22 pints of blood, our lowest total in 7 years!  However, thanks to Ed Teruya and Senpai Alan Reynolds, who were both deferred but came back to try again, we are now up to 24 pints!!!"


"I started committing HSK to community service projects because I could feel that our members, at that time, were willing and able to help those in need.  Unfortunately, the complexion and concern of our membership has changed, and less people, including Senpais, are willing to give of themselves."


On the brighter side, we had another tremendous response from most of our Senpais, including our brown belts!  Special thanks to Ciena Swafford, Matthew Matsumoto, and Ed Teruya who, despite difficulties, continue to make the effort to help our HSK Ohana. "Ed (Senpai Cassie's Dad) made a special effort to come back the following day to donate!  Our HSK Ohana is a very special group of generous and caring people who sincerely want to make a positive impact on our community,  Hopefully more members will feel the amazing pride and satisfaction gained from helping our island community live better lives!" stated Sensei.


A reminder that you will be eligible to donate again in 8 weeks.  Those who were unable to donate this time, please try again as soon as possible.  It may not be as much fun without your Ohana, but you can take pride in knowing that you are helping someone in need.  Please designate your donation for Hawaii Shotokan Karate, code 2123, and let Sensei know if you are successful so that your name can be added to our list of donors. YOU ARE AWESOME, HSK!

Boivin, Joseph *China, Todd
China, Kristi *Choy, Mel
*Dote, Karen *Ichiriu, Kevin
*Ikeda, Ray *Lau, Cliff
Ng, Michael *Oda, Ann
*Oshiro, Scott *Reynolds, Alan
*Reynolds, Tracy *Riford, Zz
*Romero, Ramon Sekiguchi, Alan
Sekiguchi, Rylan Swafford, Jeff
*Takashima, David Teruya, Ed
Toyama, Michael *Toyama, Remy
*Ushio, Myles volunteer!

* designates HSK Senpai 

Photos by Senpais Mel, Cliff, and Alan

Our spirited group gathers for picture-taking!

Friendly faces greet our HSK donors!

Sensei and wife Paula pose with Helen Nahoopii of the Blood Bank

Nothing like starting off a new day with a gift!

Sensei and Senpai Cliff start the giving!

1st pint of the day!

Senpai Cliff

Senpai Mel

Senpai Ray

Senpai Todd

Eager to help!

Senpai Scott

Senpai Tracy

Senpai Remy

Mike Toyama

Senpai Ann

The family that gives together ... STAYS TOGETHER!!!

Ciena Swafford

Senpai David

Joseph Boivin

Senpai Karen

Senpai Kevin

Enjoying the company!

Senpai Alan

Rylan Sekiguchi

Jeff Swafford

Kristi China

Mike Ng

Future HSK donors?

Senpai Myles

Senpai Ramon

Senpai Zz

Ed Teruya
DID I MENTION FOOD?  Check out these GRINDS!!!

Macaron heaven by Senpai Cassie -- YUM!!!

Cookie butter brownies!





Donut holes!

Breakfast burritos!



Healthy too!

Thanks for the spam musubi, Ann!

Loved the Trail Mix, Susan!

Proud to give!


Grind away, guys ...

... you deserve it!!!

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