HSK's members and parents know and understand our vision and focus on developing our children into respectful, responsible, and contributing members of our community.  To this end, students are required to have their teachers complete a quarterly school report to ensure that they are working toward these goals.  Teachers rate them on behavior, respect, and self-discipline.  In Sensei's words, "We don't expect them to be geniuses.  We DO expect them to be "normal!"

         The following students have earned the title of "HSK Superstar", having received a rating of "Excellent" (E) in all three categories.  The number in prentheses next to their names represent the number of school quarters in a row that they have earned this distinction.  These students represent the best of the best at HSK!  CONGRATULATIONS! 



Our Quarter 4 Superstars smiling with pride!

Addison (1)

Alex (1)

Amber (2)

Bubba (8)

Carly (1)

Chris (5)

Ciena (3)

Ereyn (8)

Jaxon (2)

Landon (1)

Marcus (1)

Noah (1)

Olivia (5)

Ryan (1)
SUPERSTARS 2015 Quarter 4
Brown, Marcus Brown, Olivia
Crouch, Robbie Hanohano, Noah
Iwamoto, Ereyn Kaneshiro, Carly
Momohara, Landon Oda, Alex
Oshiro, Addison Oshiro, Treyjan
Poentis, Jaxon Romero, Amber
Shea Park, Bubba Silva, Christopher
Smith, Logan Swafford, Ciena
Takenaka, Ryan  

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