HSK Invitational Tournament May 28, 2005 (Page 2)

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following pictures by Alex Choy


children white & yellow

Hayden Fobel 3rd, Ryan Kunihisa 1st, Alyssa Lau 2nd

adults white and yellow

Reese Ajifu 3rd, Leonie Lam 1st, Eileen Lau 2nd

Kumite One-Step  


Jared Kawatani 3rd, Dylan Weber 1st, Max Weber 2nd


Ryan Young 3rd, Neil Kunihisa 1st, Opal Oshiro 2nd

Kumite Free Style  

8 to 10 color belts & brown boys & girls

Kristen Ushio 3rd, Rachel Uemoto 1st, Shawn Arquero 2nd

11 to 14 color belts boys & girls

Robert Uemoto 3rd, Michelle Parke 1st, Jonathan Woo 2nd

adult women

Allison Yamashiro 3rd, Eloise Aguiar 1st, Lilly Kato 2nd

adult male

Erik Shimizu 2nd, Myles Ushio 1st, Jacob Miyasato 3rd

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