HSK Annual Member Awards


Member of the Year,

Paula Sekiguchi

Tom Sekiguchi Most Inspirational,

Raymond Ikeda (right)


Our "Member of the Year" and "Tom Sekiguchi Most Inspiriational" awards are the most prestigious that HSK awards.  Upon acceptance of these awards, the recipients assume a rather large responsibility  -- they are responsible for choosing the next year's winners.

The "Member of the Year" award is given to the person who is perceived to have generously contributed their time, effort, resources, and love to the club.

The "Tom Sekiguchi Most Inspirational" award  is presented to the one person who does an exceptional job in instructing and motivating the students; one whom the students like as well as respect; one whom inspires the students to train hard.


Award Recipients

Year Member of the Year Most Inspirational 
2010-11 Paula Sekiguchi Raymond Ikeda
2009-10 Clifford Lau Scott Oshiro
2008-09 Myles Ushio Randall Monaghan
2007-08 Scott Oshiro Eloise Aguiar
2006-07 Joe Flores Raymond Ikeda
2005-06 Randall Monaghan Rodney Inefuku
2004-05 Eric Wauke Lilly Kato
2003 - 04 Lilly Kato Eric Wauke
2002 - 03 Clifford Lau Randall Monaghan
2001 - 02 Raymond Ikeda Clifford Lau
2000 - 01 Lilly Kato Raymond Ikeda
1999 - 2000 Mel Choy Lilly Kato
1998 - 99 Lilly Kato Remy Sekiguchi
1997 - 98  Cheryl Chow Joe Reid
1996 - 97 Raymond Ikeda Gordon Hata
1995 - 96 Rodney Young Ronald Taketa
1994 - 95 Cheryl Chow Raymond Ikeda
1993 - 94 Eloise Aguiar Randall Monaghan
1992 - 93 Ronald Taketa Kevin Ichiriu
1991 - 92 Cheryl Chow Eloise Aguiar
1990 - 91 Rodney Young Ronald Taketa
1989 - 90 Tom Sekiguchi
1988 - 89 Alton Nadamoto
1987 - 88 Tom Sekiguchi
1986 - 87 Kevin Ichiriu
1985 - 86 Myles Nakamura
1984 - 85 Tom Sekiguchi