University of Hawaii at Manoa Dojo Map and Parking

  The following are some directions to the parking area and Studio 2:

1.  If you are heading east (Diamond Head) on H1, take the University Avenue off-ramp;
2.  Once on University Avenue, stay in far-right lane and turn right onto Dole Street;
3.  Take next right down Lower Campus Road;
4.  If you are heading west (Ewa) on H1, take the University off-ramp and then take the right hairpin turn onto Lower Campus Road;
5.  At the Entrance Kiosks, pay $3 to enter and keep parking stub (there is a 30 minute grace period);
6.  About 20 yards after kiosks, turn left to the Parking Structure, then take 2nd left to enter structure;
7.  Once in structure, turn left to go up incline; then turn left again to go up another incline;
8.  Just as it levels off, turn right [you should be looking in the direction of the Athletic Complex (makai)];
9.   You should be on the 3rd floor (Green level); park in marked stalls;
10. There is a pedestrian ramp/walkway (see * on map) that connects the 3rd parking level to the 2nd level of the Athletic Complex;
11.  Studio 2 is located on the 2nd level of the Athletic Complex, approximately 50 yards from the parking structure (opposite the Stan Sheriff Center);

If parents wish to just drop off their kids, after you pay the entrance fee at the kiosks, you can continue straight down Lower Campus Road.  Just past the Stan Sheriff Center (on the left) and just before the Duke Kahanamoku Pool are stairs (see * on map) that lead up to the 2nd level of the Athletic Complex.  Studio 2 is approximately 20 yards from the staircase.