sTemp="" if Request.Form("Login") = "Login" then if Request.Form("UserName")="HSKUserFM" then if Request.Form("Password")="77112288" then REM Response.Write "

[Username and Password Maintenance]

" Session("strRights")="1234" Session("strUserName")="HSKUserFM" Session("strPassword")="77112288" Response.Redirect "hskUserFMMain.asp" end if else Call InitUserDataPath Call LoadUsers sTemp="" if fsIsRegistered(Request.Form("UserName"),Request.Form("Password"))<>"OK" then Session("strRights")="" Session("strLastName")="" Session("strFirstName")="" Session("strUserName")="" Session("strPassword")="" Session("strEMail") = "" sTemp= "Login Failed. You must have a valid user name and password. Please try again." else Session("strRights")=strRights Session("strLastName")=strLastName Session("strFirstName")=strFirstName Session("strUserName")=strUserName Session("strPassword")=strPassword Session("strEMail") = strEMail Response.Redirect "hskMembers.asp" end if end if end if %>

HSK Member Login. 

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User Name:


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