HSK Spring Tournament 2003 (Page 3)


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Photos by Eugene Young


7 to 9 Years

Rachel Look (2nd), Schyler Shinde (1st),

 Rachel Uemoto (3rd)

10 Years

Jane Krot (3rd), Robby Uemoto (1st), 

Christine Parke (2nd)

12 Years (males)

Nicholas Sexton (3rd), Brandon Go (1st),

 Jeffrey Masui (2nd)

12 to 16 Years (females)

Brittney Guro (3rd), Kelly Chang (1st), 

Ann Lau (2nd)

Male Adult Color Belts

Randall Asato (3rd), Damien Look (1st), 

Reid Tanaka (2nd)

Female Adult

Lilly Kato (2nd), Eloise Aguiar (1st), 

Allison Yamashiro (3rd)

Male Adult Black and Brown Belts

Clifford Lau (2nd), Randall Monaghan (1st),

 Justin Yoshimoto (3rd)


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