HSK Invitational Tournament May 19,  2007 (Page 2)

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White/Yellow, mixed, 10 and below

Michael Terakubo 1st, Kekoa Kupau MIranda 3rd, Chelsea Tyau 2nd

White/Yellow, mixed, 11 and above

Dan Oshima 3rd, Nainoa Kupau Miranda 1st,

Michele Kuraoka 2nd

Kumite One-Step  

Blue, mixed, 10 and below

Emilie Nakasone 2nd, Joshua Basuel 1st,

Megan Chang 3rd

Blue, mixed, 11 and above

Denise Nakasone 3rd, Steven Sakata 1st,

Roy Chikamoto 2nd

Kumite Free Style  

Green, mixed 7 to 9

Tommy Okamoto 3rd, Robert Parke 1st,

 Keone Machida 2nd

Green/Purple/Brown, mixed 10 to 11

Rafe McAtee 2nd, Rachel Uemoto  1st,

Courtney Oshiro 3rd

Green/Purple/Brown, mixed 12 to 15

Aaron Oue 3rd, Shawn Arquero 1st,

 Carole Kau 2nd

Green/Purple, female, 18 and above

Tracy Reynolds 2nd, Moni Allenby 1st,

Teresa Sakata 3rd

Green/Purple/Brown, male, 18+

Myles Ushio 3rd, Scott Oshiro 1st,

 Alan Reynolds 2nd

Brown/Black, female, 18 and above

Eloise Aguiar 2nd, Allison Yamashiro 1st,

Gayle Lau 3rd

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